速報APP / 遊戲 / 2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy



檔案大小:149.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖1)-速報App

"The French mathematician Jacques S. Hadamard found, in a study of 100 leading mathematicians [including Einstein], that the majority of them were primarily visual in their approach."

Scientific American, Sept., 1984, p. 56.

Math Galaxy’s Second Grade Math covers all of the Common Core math standards for second grade as listed below.

The concepts are presented in bite-size pieces and there is an unlimited supply of practice problems, with numbers chosen randomly.

Illustrations are used throughout to reinforce the concepts.

There are review sections and you can be guided through problems step-by-step or just give the final answer.

By solving problems students earn robots to use in the Labyrinth maze game, plus there are several other games involving math practice.

Certificates with scores and summaries of scores can be emailed to be printed.

A stylus is recommended for the iPhone.

Now also supports Apple Schoolwork.

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖2)-速報App


Understand place value. (2.NBT.1-4)

Place Value Blocks

Place Names

Expanded Notation

Comparing Numbers

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to add and subtract. (2.NBT.5-9)

Addition Tables

Addition on the Number Line

1-Digit Addition

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖3)-速報App

2-Digit Addition

3-Digit Addition

Alternative Method

Subtraction on the Number Line

1-Digit Subtraction

2-Digit Subtraction

3-Digit Subtraction

Borrowing Across 0s

Missing Number

Alternative Method

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖4)-速報App


Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction

1-Step Word Problems (2.OA.1)

Multi-Step Word Problems (2.OA.1)

Add and subtract within 20. (2.OA.2)

Adding Whole Numbers

Subtracting Whole Numbers

Snakes and Ladders Math Game

Work with equal groups of objects to gain foundations for multiplication

Multiplication Tables Up To 5 (2.OA.3-4)

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖5)-速報App

Multiplication Tables - All (2.OA.3-4)


Measure and estimate lengths in standard units.

Measuring in Standard Units

Drawing in Standard Units

Measuring in Metric Units

Drawing in Metric Units

Work with time and money.

Time - Clock Problems (2.MD.7)

Time - Word Problems (2.MD.7)

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖6)-速報App

Math Games - Time Riddles (2.MD.7)

Math Games - Money Riddles (2.MD.8)

Math Games - The MoneyTrail (2.MD.8)

Represent and interpret data.

Measuring in Standard Units (2.MD.9)

Measuring in Metric Units (2.MD.9)

Pictographs (2.MD.10)

Reading Bar Graphs (2.MD.10)

Drawing Bar Graphs (2.MD.10)


2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖7)-速報App

Reason with shapes and their attributes.

Shapes (2.G.1)

Area & Perimeter (2.G.2-3)

Missing Number

Area & Perimeter

Squares & Rectangles

Complex Areas


Labyrinth (Search mazes for treasure)

Snakes & Ladders (Add & Subtract)

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖8)-速報App

Bridge the Swamp

Time Riddles

Money Riddles

The Money Trail

2nd Grade Math - Math Galaxy(圖9)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad